
Advanced technologies are changing our daily life and viewing usual behaviours and also creating new potentials. Light is a prosperous tool for creating vivid and lively stages that stimulate an artistic and functional way even in the modern offices.

Architectural Concept and Interior Design: Begüm Aksel Alkan

Electrical Engineering and Installation: NELIT Integrated Solutions, Ankara

Lighting Design and Consultancy: Erkan Şahin

Location: Çankaya, Ankara


NELIT Office, Ankara

A good work place should persuade and enthuse the creative side of people. In offices with large glass windows, daylight forms the basis of every lighting concepts but adding artifical light can emphasise details. NELIT is a technology company solution provider for its clients. The lighting concept is quite different from traditional design in its new location on a high rise building in Ankara. The light does not cover all areas uniformly therefore a dramatic lighting setting with a strong accentuation brings out an eye catching style with identical quantities of light. The light modifies to the intended environment.

Open office area and private office rooms are subdivided into different zones and the light is used as strongly as needed. Individual work places are separated by endless glass panels so it gives us a very large panoramic view. An activity-related planning has been preferred instead of room planning in NELIT office. PRELUME pendant luminaires over the desks clearly desribes task areas and helps people to concentrate on their works in a very private way in each cellular work places. They are DALI controllable so individual necessities are satisfied when performing various tasks in the office. Innovative PRELUME recessed luminaires crisply highlights small seating areas from their surroundings. They are perfect for glare control and high visual comfort. UGR-unified glare rating- values can be used for achieving lighting purely oriented to applicable standards.

Highly effective combination of daylight and artifical light is epitome of transparently glazed open office room lighting. Diverse pendant luminaire with an uninterrupted linear profile and direct/indirect illumination is the conscious specification for the centrally located working group in the modern office. This is the contradiction of dramatic lighting in the other spaces and birings out balanced senses for office people of NELIT.

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